Anne Hayes Art Educator, Visual Artist , TESOL Certified
ELL Students
While student teaching at a high school with a high population of ELL students, Anne used her background in language learning and teaching to help her students better access the curriculum, as well as create a strong community in the classroom. This experience brought back memories of Anne's time teaching in France due to the effort she put into the visuals and use of clear and concise language. She makes an effort to meet each student where he or she is, whether an ELL student or not. She continues to create art lessons that are accessible and equitable for all.
Lesson Highlights:
Visuals (to aid with instruction, scaffold vocabulary, demonstrate art techniques, and make connections to cultural and historical contexts)
Room for student choice & voice
Vocabulary Aids/Handouts (in students' native languages)
Demo Videos (to provide students with another way to access the curriculum)

Artwork from a high school Mixed Media Landscape project in which students took inspiration from a meaningful place. Many ELL students honored their birth countries and were intrinsically motivated by the personal subject matter.

Visual aid for the
Mixed Media Landscape project.

High school Mixed Media Animal Worlds project (watercolor, collage, linoleum block printmaking)